How long does pot remain in your system for?

5 Mar, 2022 | Joe | No Comments

How long does pot remain in your system for?

THC is usually detectable in hair for up 90 days. In urine, it can last up to 3 days or more depending on how frequently the user uses, as well as in saliva for 48 hours and blood for 36 hours. Regular marijuana usage can lead to dependence and withdrawal . While quitting can be difficult, there are ways to make it work.

Take the Marijuana Addiction Self Evaluation

Below is a free, 5-minute self-assessment to determine if someone you know or you might be suffering from marijuana dependency. The evaluation contains 10 yes or no questions. It is meant to be an informational tool that helps to determine the severity and probability for a marijuana-related disorder. The test is completely anonymous and results are confidential.

What is Marijuana?

Marijuana, also called weed, pot or ganja can be described as a psychoactive drug. It is made from the Cannabis sativa strain. It is the most common illegal drug used in the United States according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. 1,2 In 2017 approximately 26 million Americans were 12 years old or older and had used marijuana during the previous month. This amounts to 9.6%.

Marijuana can be smoked in pipes or joints. You can also smoke marijuana blunts. These are tobacco-free cigars that have been refilled with marijuana. Some people also add marijuana or make tea from it.

What Happens when You Smoke Marijuana

THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is believed to be the primary mind-altering chemical found in the cannabis plant. THC is passed from the lungs into bloodstream. This allows it to be carried to other organs, such as the brain. THC interacts to the endocannabinoid and affects brain areas related to movement.

The effects of smoking marijuana are immediately felt and can last up to 3 hours. You may feel the effects even if you eat edibles.

Some effects that might experience from smoking marijuana include the following:

  • Other senses.
  • Temporal distortion.
  • Troubled coordination
  • It is difficult to think clearly or solve problems.
  • Trouble remembering the details?
  • Mood changes.
  • Anxiety.
  • Fear.
  • Paranoia.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Delusions.
  • Increased appetite

How does your body produce THC?

THC is absorbed into various organs and tissues (e.g. brain, heart and in fat) and metabolized into 11-hydroxy THC and carboxy THC (metabolites) by the liver. The metabolites are quickly expelled from the body in the urine.

THC from the body is stored in tissues and is eventually released into the bloodstream. This is where it is eventually metabolized. THC accumulates in fat tissue faster than it can get rid of, making heavy users more likely to test positive for marijuana.

When will Marijuana show up on a Drug Test

Multiple sampling methods can be used to determine if marijuana is present. These tests have different time frames that allow them to detect marijuana or its metabolites in a person’s system.

  • Saliva testing: The saliva test can detect weed up to 34-48hrs after the last use.
  • The most frequently used drug test is the urine one. An infrequent user (less that 2 times per week) can test positive for 1-3 Days. A moderate user who uses the medication at least twice per week can test positive for 7-21 business days. A heavy user can test positive up to a year after the last use. Smokers of marijuana might have positive results for up to 5 days.
  • Hair test. Marijuana can detected in hair for up 90 days. Research has shown that a hair test is more reliable for daily or close-to-daily marijuana users and it is less likely to detect marijuana in light users.
  • Blood test: Marijuana, and its metabolites, can show up in a blood test for upto 36 hours.

Other than the type and length of the test, there are many factors that can influence how long marijuana will show on a drug screen.

  • THC concentration in marijuana.
  • Frequency
  • Time since last use.
  • How fast THC can be processed by the person.
  • Drinking water.

Weed detox

Contrary popular belief, marijuana addiction can occur. According to certain signs, symptoms, behavioral changes, healthcare practitioners can diagnose marijuana addiction. The diagnosis of marijuana addiction is marijuana use disorder. People with this disorder are unable to quit using marijuana, even though it causes them problems in many areas.

You might be using detox kits to help you get clean, or you might not pass a drug test. AAC offers several levels of substance addiction treatment. This includes fully residential , inpatient rehab, and various outpatient programs. Our treatment centers have all the necessary credentials and are able to provide evidence-based services for treating all levels and types of drug and alcohol abuse.

NIDA says that 30% of people who use cannabis will end up with a marijuana use disorder. People who start using marijuana before they turn 18 years are about four to seven times as likely to develop a dependence than those who take it up after that age.

Many people who use marijuana become addicted develop dependence. Dependence means that the body begins to depend on the drug to function properly. Dependent people can suffer withdrawal symptoms when they stop using marijuana.